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Feed the Hungry This Holiday Season

feeding 4 Feed the Hungry This Holiday SeasonWhat can you possibly give to someone who has everything? It’s sometimes a tough issue trying to find a gift to give this person or others for Christmas. Here’s an idea.

Christmastime is the season of giving. A few years ago my cousin Joni donated money in my honor to the American School for the Deaf. I thought that was very cool. For that special someone who is without need, uncover his or her favorite charity and contribute in their honor.

In the United States, one of the wealthiest countries on the planet, one in six people face hunger and one in five children are at risk, too. The sad news is that forty percent of food, $165 billion worth, is thrown out in this country every year. This uneaten food could feed 25 million Americans.

Here’s what you can do to help the problem. First, find a local food pantry or soup kitchen and donate to them in the name of your friend. And while you’re at it, support federal nutrition programs like SNAP, WIC, and public school breakfast and lunch programs. Advocate for government policies that help hungry people.  Food Drive Email Header Feed the Hungry This Holiday Season

If your well-to-do friend would like to “pass it forward” suggest to them to volunteer at a food bank. These non-profit organizations need volunteers with specialized skills in accounting, social media, and web design.

Finally, advocate for fair wages and better conditions for food workers. About 20 million Americans are employed as restaurant or farm workers, which also happen to be the lowest paying jobs in the country. More than 50% of those families depend on Medicaid or food stamps. So support organizations that work Turkey Feed the Hungry This Holiday Seasonto change this like the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Restaurant Opportunities Centers, and United and Food Chain Workers Alliance. A donation in honor of the man or woman who has everything would be a wonderful tribute to your friend.

Christmastime is the season for giving. So instead of a meaningless gift that will collect dust in a friend’s closet, give the gift of love and feed the hungry this holiday season (and all year long).




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