New Year’s Resolutions for Parents and Kids

With the New Year in sight, many of us think about changing ourselves for the better. Some people would like to lose weight while others may want to improve their grades in school. Improving the parent/child relationship should be on top of every parent’s to-do-list. This is not a one-sided effort. It means that children have to try, too. Below is a list of New Year resolutions for both parents and kids.

Parent ResolutionsParent Resolutions New Year’s Resolutions for Parents and Kids

  1. Spend more time with your children. That doesn’t just mean physical time. I’m talking about quality time. Shut off those cell phones—kids and parents alike. Talk and listen to each other. Play together.
  2. Be consistent with your discipline. When you reprimand your child, NO YELLING. Take a few cleansing breathes and talk in a whisper, if you must. Also, be clear about the rules. And I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the rules effect you. If no tobacco, alcohol, or drugs is on the no-no list; that means YOU refrain, too. You’re the model. You’re the example.
  3.  Focus on your child’s positive behaviors. Compliment your sons and daughters for the wonderful things they do. If they do something wrong, sometimes it’s wiser to say nothing than to point out every little flaw. Remember, you’re not perfect, either.
  4. Don’t be a slave to your family. Take a break every now and then. Do something for yourself. When you come home, share it with your spouse and children.
  5. If your children have an argument, it is wise to stay out of it. Have the kids work it out for themselves, and if they get loud, send them to another room or out the door. Don’t get involved unless they ask for your help. If they do, stay impartial and root out the facts.

Child ResolutionsKid Resolutions New Year’s Resolutions for Parents and Kids

  1. Clean up after yourselves. That means keep a tidy room, restroom, and play area. You share this home with others. Be respectful of their needs, too.
  2. Take care of your personal hygiene. This means taking a shower daily, brushing your teeth at least twice a day, and washing your hands every time you use the restroom. Don’t forget to flush the toilet.
  3. Be kind to your brothers and sisters. Remember, someday you’ll be leaving the house and going out on your own. Nurture your relationship with your siblings because they are the best friends you’ll ever have.
  4. Sit in that booster seat or strap on your seatbelt whenever you get into a car. It may save your life.
  5. Try your best in school. Do all your homework and turn it in on time. This is your job, so be proud of the work you do.

Share your resolutions as well as the ones for children with your offspring. Encourage them to give the resolutions a try because it’s something you’ll be doing. By following through with the resolutions, the parent/child bond can only improve.

Happy New Year,





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