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Harry Potter: Meet Peter Thorn and the Ring of Honor

In the wake of the successful Harry Potter series, N.A. Abington brings us Peter Thorn & The Ring of HonorLike Harry, Peter’s home life is nothing to shout-out about. His beloved mother is gone and he and his younger sister, Jenny, are being raised by a no-good, cheapskate, selfish father who cares nothing about his children. 

The day before Mr. Livent ships his kids off to a boarding school, Peter and Jenny go to the mall for a final day of fun. There the siblings discover a portal into another realm where they are guided to Bighorn, a special school for children with amazing gifts. 

cover 1487783305 Harry Potter: Meet Peter Thorn and the Ring of Honor

Peter and Jenny soon learn that their mother grew up in this Giftable Realm and they have special abilities. For example, Peter is the Master of Death and can turn people into statues with a thought. 

Author N.A. Abington does an excellent job of world building and school culture at Bighorn. Characterization is good and plot development drives the reader deeper into Peter’s life at Bighorn and the difficulties his gift attracts. 

The book’s only distractor is poor editing. I ran into many glitches throughout the novel. I strongly suggest the author commits to a re-read, or better yet, hire a responsible editor. 

Like Harry Potter, Peter and Jenny return home to Mr. Livent’s meager existence at the end of their first year. And like the Potter series, Abington is working on book two. I hope she takes my advice and consults with an editor. 

Pop’s Rating:

Three pops Harry Potter: Meet Peter Thorn and the Ring of Honor

Michael Thal is the author of the Koolura Series, three books about a girl with amazing psychic powers.

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