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Yestertime: A Novel of Time Travel

Journalist Ray Burton visits a dying friend in Flagstaff, Arizona and is asked to spread Harry’s ashes in the desert. To do so, Burton visits Hollow Rock, a nearby ghost town, whose only remains is parts of a blacksmith shop, jail, and building foundations with a lot of rotted wood. When a sudden storm moves in, he takes refuge in a cave to wait out the storm. In the cave he finds an ancient trunk filled with old clothes, and a copy of Hollow Rock Gazette dated September 7, 1870. Under that was an odd note: Funny that I’m going to die a hundred years before I was born. 

Burton also found coins and an old revolver from the era, but inside the box was a digital camera, two memory cards, and the driver’s license of Stan Hooper, a resident of Boston, Massachusetts born in 1970. There was also a second note advising the reader to put everything back if they were clueless about the memory cards. They would need to wait until the 21st century for that technology to make sense. What did Ray Burton find?

The journalist knew he had a story that needed to be researched. The box contained a mystery Burton couldn’t ignore and the sequence of events that follow, changes his life forever. 

Author Andrew Cunningham creates a plausible time travel story that keeps readers glued to the page. He uses interesting techniques to show the experiences of a few time travelers from their POV. In so doing, readers get a sense of the physical and psychological toll time travel has on a person.

Here’s what I took away from Yestertime: A Novel of Time Travel: We are all time travelers, and I’ve been traveling through time since 1949 witnessing 72 years of 20th and 21st century history. The best way to live through an era is to make meaningful connections with the right people, positive people that make you happy. 

I highly recommend Yestertime to all fans of time travel and science fiction. 

Pop’s Rating:

Five pops Yestertime: A Novel of Time Travel

About the Author

Andrew Cunningham Yestertime: A Novel of Time Travel

Andrew Cunningham is the author of thirteen novels, including the award-winning Amazon bestselling thriller WISDOM SPRING. Formerly an interpreter for the deaf and a long-time independent bookseller, Andrew has been a full-time freelance writer and copy editor for the last 20 years. Andrew has been involved in training and teaching martial arts for many years, achieving the rank of 4th-degree Master Blackbelt in Tang Soo Do. A long-time resident of Cape Cod, he and his wife now live in Florida. He can be contacted at [email protected]. You can visit his website at www.arcnovels.com. 

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