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Pop’s Rating System

Pop evaluates a lot of books on his blog, so readers are starting to demand that he rate the books. On Amazon or Goodreads books are rated with one to five stars depending on the quality of the novel. Keeping that rating system in mind, Pop has decided on this following system for his blog. One Pop

One pop. It means that Pop couldn’t finish the book because it was that bad. He just HATED it.


two popsTwo pops. This YA novel was poorly written. Pop wants his time and money back.



Three popsThree pops. This YA book was average. It’s slightly entertaining but easily forgettable.



four popsFour pops. Pop REALLY enjoyed reading this YA book. However, it didn’t get to the fantastic level, but if the author did something a little different…


Five popsFive pops. This was an AMAZING read on all levels. It made Pop think days after the read about the issues generated in the novel. Perhaps he’ll even read it again, or another book by this author.


Please bookmark Pop’s Blog for his first “Pop” rated YA novel. It will be coming soon.

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