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A Rare Skin Disease Comes Out of the Closet

Michael Bull Jr. is a senior at an exclusive New York City high school, Manhattan Prep. Once the school year starts, he gets pressured by best friend Bradford Michaelson, to be his Campaign Manager as he runs to become senior class president. This is okay with Michael, as long as he’s left out of the lime lite.  

However, that all changes when Michael meets Shay, a beautiful girl determined and motivated to claim the senior class presidency, but denied the opportunity because of a few run-ins with Principal Harding. When Shay figure outs Michael’s secret, she blackmails him to run for president so she can realize her secret agenda.

In her 366-page novel, Patches, Valicity Elaine has created marvelous literature that most high school students can relate to. She has also taken a disease, vitiligo, a rare skin disorder that causes loss of skin color in irregular patch patterns (think Michael Jackson), and given it to her point of view character and watch how it affects Michael Bull’s personality, his life, and his relationships with his father, the newly elected mayor of New York City, friends, teachers, and classmates.

Patches Cover A Rare Skin Disease Comes Out of the Closet
Patches by Valicity Elaine

Elaine’s writing is descriptive, the plot moves quickly as we watch the scenes pass in front of Michael Bull. As we move from chapter to chapter, the author explains briefly, in bold print, a little about vitiligo and its effect on humans. 

Patches is superbly written, enjoyable to read, and educational. I highly recommend it. Now available in Kindle and paperback. 

About the Author

Valicity A Rare Skin Disease Comes Out of the Closet
Vilicity Elaine

 Valicity Elaine grew up in upstate New York in a Christian home. She is the owner/creator of The Rebel Christian Publishing and she loves to read as much as she enjoys writing. Her novel, The I Word takes up another condition, GSA, Genetic Sexual Attraction. 

Pop’s Rating:

Five pops A Rare Skin Disease Comes Out of the Closet

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