An Alternate Reality for Guns and Abortions

Think of an alternate reality where women control the wheels of government and men play a diminished role. The Supreme Court is dominated by females with three males sitting on the 9-member court. The House of Representatives has 435 voting congressional representatives with 351 being women. And of the 100 senators, 76 are women. The female president is 73 years old, and the average age of Members of the House is 57.6 years and 63.9 for the Senators.

These legislators wouldn’t think of denying their younger sisters the right to an abortion. Female medical concerns are a central focus for this government. When Viagra is introduced into the marketplace, conservative women want it banned, with the left permitting each state to decide for itself. Can you imagine the dust kicked up by men when Viagra is banned in their state?

President Martha An Alternate Reality for Guns and Abortions
First President Martha Washington
in Alternate Reality World

Is there a Second Amendment right to own a gun in this alternate reality? Sort of. Martha Washington, the first president made sure the wording of this constitutional amendment made it very clear that weapons could only be used for self-defense and hunting for food. In this reality kids go to school without fear of being exterminated by right wing extremists and mentally disturbed individuals. 

Unfortunately, this is not our reality today, but there is a way to get there. With Roe v Wade overturned by the US Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision, there is no longer a constitutional right to an abortion in the United States. Those rights will be determined by the states. Currently, 16 states and Washington, D.C protect abortion access that include California, Nevada, Illinois, Maryland, and Vermont and eleven others. 

The USA seems to be joining over 25 underdeveloped and third world nations that have criminalized abortion like Haiti, Iraq, Iran, Republic of the Congo, and Nicaragua. There are, however, 75 enlightened countries that permit abortions, with gestational limits varying widely. These counties include Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, and Germany.

Weather abortions are legal or not, they will and do take place. However, in an environment where abortions are illegal, they become less safe. When women turn to homemade options, the procedure’s outcome becomes riskier and more dangerous. Lives of women are lost due to the backward thinking of their nation’s lawmakers. 

Poland is one of those nations with a 29-year-old ban against abortion. If a woman’s life in that country is at risk due to the fetus growing in her body, doctors will withhold lifesaving care out of fear of being prosecuted and jailed by the state.

Is this what we want for our country?

The recent decisions of the US Supreme Court have depressed many of us, however, there is something we can do about America becoming like Poland. During the 2022 mid-term elections every registered voter needs to focus on candidates favorable to women’s health issues and gun safety. With control of Congress in the hands of men and women prioritizing on the needs of our women and children, we will get legislation legalizing abortion and better gun control laws throughout our republic. We can make the alternate reality of President Martha Washington our reality, but first we all must get out there and vote as if our lives depend on it. Because they do. 

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  1. Because you are killing the fetus I am not sure how I think about the morality of abortions although I lean towards thinking they are moral. However, even if I thought they were immoral I don’t see the point of making them illegal because as you say woman would still get them but it would be less safe.

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