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Lost and Found

close up of legs couple in love at the park winter
close up of legs couple in love at the park winter

Lost and Found by Jeanne Bannon is one of 14 novellas in a newly released Kindle edition of Valentine Pets & Kisses. Fourteen award winning and best selling authors come together with novellas wrapped in a Valentine’s theme of romance and the cutest pets this side of your heart.

I’ll be up front. I didn’t read the other books in Kindle’s Valentine Pets & Kisses. My only interest was Lost and Found, also available on Amazon solo for $.99. You see, Jeanne Bannon is one of my favorite authors.

Lexi, a high school English teacher, experiences an emotional breakdown in front of her students soon after long-time live-in boyfriend Josh dumps her. She has no choice but to accept a leave of absence to get her life together. Unfortunately for Lexi, Josh also left behind Bardot, an untrained French bulldog pup. Lexi is not a dog-person, but Bardot is all she has left of Josh, so she decides to try puppy obedience school first before giving up the little monster.

One of the students in her obedience training class is Tommy and his puppy Gina, a border collie. Lexi is immediately attracted to Tommy, a carpenter with the most beautiful smile and gorgeous dimples she has ever seen.

However, Lexi is still hurting and is reluctant to give her heart to any man, and brushes off Tommy’s advances. But Bardot show’s signs of improvement and their walks around the neighborhood prove cathartic to Lexi and several bump-ins with Tommy. And as the weeks and months pass, she learns to love her little pooch.

Bannon takes her readers on Lexi’s voyage from damaged soul to finding a kindred spirit in a 132-page story of a young woman’s journey of self-awareness. Bannon does this through Lexi’s discovery of a growing love for her French bulldog, new feelings for another man, and opened eyes when Josh re-enters her life.

The author has a knack of showing human emotion through facial expressions, actions and words. Readers are given a direct link into the hearts of Bannon’s characters that will stay with them long after they finish reading Lost and Found.


Pop’s Rating:   Five pops

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