6 Must Reads for the Summer of ’22 
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6 Must Reads for the Summer of ’22 

I wasn’t one of the lucky ones to go away to camp for the summer. But I did escape with a good book. Here are 6 novels I’m sure you love this Summer of ’22.

The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books 2022
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The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books 2022

Paper Angel Press and ELP Books will be at The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books April 23-24. Their reps Michael Thal and Emma Price will be there to sign their books for you.

A 21st Century American is Enslaved
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A 21st Century American is Enslaved

Timekeeper Drake Bailey and his crew travel back to the antebellum South to prevent harm coming to a king, to which they are clueless, and poor Drake is sold into slavery.

The Koolura Series: How a YA Series is Born and Evolve
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The Koolura Series: How a YA Series is Born and Evolve

When my oldest daughter was in sixth grade, I began writing the Koolura series. I was a reading specialist in Glendale, California working in a year-round school. During my off-time, I wrote.  Channie hated to read. As a reading specialist, this was tantamount to revolution. Instead of arguing, I asked, “If I wrote a book with…

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A Writer’s Life: A Glimpse into a Writer’s Career During the Pandemic- Summer 2021

During the pandemic I learned how to self-publish a book, and believe me, it’s not easy. Since August, 2020 I self-published The Abduction of Joshua Bloom, The Legend of Koolura, Koolura and the Mystery at Camp Saddleback, and finally, Koolura and the Mayans. All five books have new covers.  I’m not an artist and when it comes to drawing,…