The Santalosa Saga: A YA Time Travel Romance
Take a deep breath, grab some grub, and prepare for a read you won’t soon forget. The Santalosa Saga, a YA time travel romance series, will keep you riveted through three outstanding novels.
Take a deep breath, grab some grub, and prepare for a read you won’t soon forget. The Santalosa Saga, a YA time travel romance series, will keep you riveted through three outstanding novels.
Author Michael Thal gives readers a glimpse into a writer’s life.
Sara Matchett made many mistakes during her teen years. Now approaching her fifth decade, it’s time for Sara to return home and heal old wounds.
Paper Angel Press and ELP Books will be at The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books April 23-24. Their reps Michael Thal and Emma Price will be there to sign their books for you.
Timekeeper Drake Bailey and his crew travel back to the antebellum South to prevent harm coming to a king, to which they are clueless, and poor Drake is sold into slavery.
Author wins two writing competitions.
Looking for a stocking stuffer? No gifts are better than books for those special someones in your life.
When my oldest daughter was in sixth grade, I began writing the Koolura series. I was a reading specialist in Glendale, California working in a year-round school. During my off-time, I wrote. Channie hated to read. As a reading specialist, this was tantamount to revolution. Instead of arguing, I asked, “If I wrote a book with…
Beauty, of Beauty and the Beast fame, is no angel. She plans to make herself queen of the realm using the Beast as her body guard.
“The Would-Be Mommy” is the first in the suburb Safe Harbor Medical Romance series.