Harry Potter: Meet Peter Thorn and the Ring of Honor
Enter the magical realm of the Giftables and learn about Peter Thorn and his special gift: Master of Death.
These are print or digital books that would interest any reader.
Enter the magical realm of the Giftables and learn about Peter Thorn and his special gift: Master of Death.
Three teen boys fantasize about protecting their friend from his violent step-dad and end up letting loose a serial killer on their small Illinois town.
Chess is abducted by her own car to a mysterious village that turns out to be her home town. Is it safe to stay when someone there is intent on murdering you?
When twelve-year-old Robyn learns her mother has terminal cancer she dives into her fantasy world to find a cure.
A survivor of a pandemic that takes the lives of most humans travels to Calfornia from Las Vegas in search for survivors with her robot friend.
Two friends, one human and the other thyr, go on a quest to uncover the secrets of their planet’s past by uncovering the mysteries of the ruins left by the “giants”.
Crabquakes, an action-adventure novel has a compelling plot that will keep readers turning pages until its dramatic conclusion.
Six books on deafness are reviewed by Pop for your summer reading and help you navigate and understand the deaf experience.
Lily goes for a weekend hiking trip with friends only to discover a virus is turning Britains into zombies. Her only hope is to return home, but will she make it?
Maxwell Horner’s mom is found in a persistent vegetative state, so Max needs to become a neurologist to cure her. He gets to go to Halfskull Institute of Neurology and soon learns that this school is filled with weirdness.