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The Last Starbase: The Search for a Home

The Last Starbase is book 3 in the Sons of Neptune series. Shane, Sam, and company discover an ancient starship, the Praihawk, buried in the Artic and plan to use it to get help from their ancestors of long ago.

Book Cover 1 The Last Starbase: The Search for a HomeThe Peak, a refugee stronghold established by Shane and Sam, is attracting survivors of the alien invasion. But, are all of these people really human and is there a spy in their midst working for Lusus, the alien rebel Commander?

Sam and Bohai, the boy who can communicate with animals, take the Praihawk and push the button that will return it to its home base. After weeks in space, they encounter an amazing starbase at the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy. But there’s one problem—the base is deserted except for an android and a very lonely old man.

Rod Little continues with his writing excellence in this third installment of the Sons of Neptune series. His environmental descriptions keep readers grounded, his character depictions continue readers’ investment in their trials, and his plot is padded with pages of exciting reading.

This reviewer looks forward to book 4, The Boneyards of Nebula, the concluding chapter of the Sons of Neptune, but feels a twinge of remorse—Why do all good things come to an end?


Rod Little The Last Starbase: The Search for a HomeAbout the Author

Over the past two decades, Rod Little has written for a plethora of science fiction, fantasy, and horror magazines. He also has five published novels to his credit. Though he travels the world with an emphasis on Southeast Asia, Little would prefer intergalactic travel. As would be expected after reading one of his books, he is a devout fan of monster movies and films with post-apocalyptic themes.




Pop’s Rating:

Five pops The Last Starbase: The Search for a Home





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