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Science Fiction Fantasy for Boys

Book two of the My Wizard Buddy series won’t disappoint sci-fi/fantasy fans. In Brian Wu and Scott Spotson’s first installment of this fun boy fantasy, Tyler Dunsmore is a lonely pre-teen looking for a friend. Miraculously, Dirk Grimwolf popped out of nowhere turning Tyler’s life upside down. In Wizard Planet, Tyler and Dirk are back…

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Spotlight on Mystery Writer Karlene R. Price

Karlene Price, a native New Yorker, enjoyed reading Nancy Drew mysteries as a kid. Her childhood fascination became an adult preoccupation with writing fun mysteries for juveniles and adults. Enjoying the trend of mixing genres, Price sometimes stirs in science fiction and fantasy into her work. Price served her country in the U.S. Army for…

What’s YA?

YA stands for Young Adult, but its readers run the gamut from 10-90. They are rarely over 80,000 words and their main characters are usually teens or adults in their early 20s. The teen protagonist asks the question, “Who am I?” As they seek that quest, they often learn, “Who will I become?” YA books…