
Whatever Happened to the Republican Party?

The first Republican president was Abraham Lincoln who served from 1861-1865. In 1860, the Republican platform called for the end of slavery in the United States and the preservation of the Union, amongst other declarations. One such proclamation encouraged immigration to America with full rights to all immigrant citizens.Another was issued on January 1, 1863…

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Why Matzah?

Dear Pop, Last year I was invited to my first Passover Seder at a home in Encino. I really enjoyed myself as everyone read from the Haggadah, the spiritual text, but that matzah.  Why do Jews eat that tasteless, flour/water flatbread for eight days and why do some Jews have two Seders? Curious Christian Dear…

Apocalypse Now
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Apocalypse Now

In the science fiction fantasy, Earthweeds,Shane and Sam are brothers. Shane is in college and Sam is about to finish high school. Each summer the boys escape for a few weeks into the wilderness outside of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania to hunt and evade the hustle and bustle of the real world. This year, when the boys…

The Passover story: Fact or Fiction?
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The Passover story: Fact or Fiction?

  Passover, the Jewish celebration of the Exodus, begins Friday evening, April 19, 2019 with the first Seder, and ends Saturday evening, April 27. This is the time when Jews throughout the world remember the years their ancestors were slaves in Egypt and escaped under the leadership of Moses. Carol Meyers, an archeologist and professor…

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A Spooky Story for Middle School Students

    Dear Pop, I’m a seventh grader at New Heights Preparatory School in Northridge. My English teacher recently assigned us a book report. I can choose any book I want, but the author must be a California resident. I also need to report a little bit about the writer. Please help me ASAP. The…

Caught Between Two Worlds
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Caught Between Two Worlds

      Savannah is a communications major at a prominent university. One day, while walking across campus, she eyes a guy she can’t resist. He is absolutely gorgeous. The communications major is taking American Sign Language (ASL) with Prof. Stockton to fulfill her language requirement. One homework assignment is to attend a Deaf event….

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March is National Reading Month

  March is National Reading Month and it’s up to moms and dads to instill a love of reading in their children. To encourage them to improve their reading skills and develop a fondness for books it’s strongly suggested you set some time aside a few times a week for family reading time. This means…