The Devil’s Fruit
Before you eat your next strawberry, you better read Fruit of the Devil. It’s an eye-opener.
Before you eat your next strawberry, you better read Fruit of the Devil. It’s an eye-opener.
The Lip Reader, a novel about deafness, wins a prestigious award.
The only synagogue of the deaf is about to celebrate its 62nd anniversary, but there is a problem. Learn how you can help.
Lag Ba’Omer is a happy holiday amidst a period of mourning and retrospection.
In my family, Mother’s Day is a special day when our mothers become Queen for a day.
Paper Angel Press and ELP Books will be at The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books April 23-24. Their reps Michael Thal and Emma Price will be there to sign their books for you.
Matzah, the bread of affliction, is eaten over Passover for historical and symbolic reasons.
Two human communities on separate worlds are threatened to extinction. Will there be time to evacuate and protect all the people?
I wasn’t a bit surprised when my ASL teacher won an Academy Award for best supporting actor.
The Lip Reader, after being published six months ago, has many rave reviews. See what people are saying about this extraordinary novel.