What’s My Generation?
My grandma is always talking about how wonderful the Baby Boom generation is. I did some research and discovered they are a bunch of self-indulgent consumers. Please tell me about my generation and how great we are so I can throw it back at her. BTW, I was born in 2008.
21stCentury Kid
Dear 21stCentury Kid,
Don’t be so lazy, 21st Century Kid. But I’ll tell you this…The generation before you are Millennials who challenge their predecessors. This generation is insisting we think qualitatively instead of quantitatively, focusing on economic justice and being less polarizing. You are a member of Generation Z. Born after the 9/11 attack and the Great Recession. Your generation has its eyes wide open, are prepared to serve, share, and impact.
The chart below shows the dates of birth of the generations, its official name(s), some information about each generation, and the ages of its members today. Be aware that the dates are an approximation and there is some overlapping due to the fact that the U.S. Census Bureau has established no standard definition for when a generation begins or ends. Also, keep in mind the generations listed are for Western culture. Japan, Asia, and parts of Europe have their own generational definitions.
Generation Birth Dates Ages Today Information
Lost Generation 1890-1915 104-129 Came of age during
Generation of 1914 World War II
The Interbellium Generation 1901-1913 106-118 Born during the first decade
of the 20th Century
The Greatest Generation 1910-1925 92-109 Grew up during the
Great Depression and Fought in WWII.
The Silent Generation 1923-1944 73-96 They fought in the Korean War
The Baby Boomers 1945-1964 53-74 Born during the Post-WWII
baby boom
Generation X 1961-1981 36-58 Born after the baby boom
Gen X period
Millennials 1975-1995 22-44 Gen X successors
Gen Y Team oriented and hard
Generation Z 1995-2015 4-24 Born in the 21stCentury
Generation Alpha. 2010-2030 0-9. 2.5 Million Alphas are born
weekly around the world
Please leave a comment and tell us what generation you are from and your generation’s contributions to society.
Best wishes,
Have a question about home or school? Ask Pop at [email protected] visit his website at http://www.michaelthal.com.
I am in the silent generation My generation has a strong work ethic..