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Professional Parenting at its Best

What author Sue Donnellan is really saying in her extraordinary book on parenting, Secrets to Parenting Without Giving a F^ck: The Non-Conformist Playbook to Raising Happy Kids Without Public Meltdowns, Power Struggles, and Punishmentsis NOT for parents to disregard their children, but to behave in a professional, non-emotional manner when disciplining and dispensing the honest truth about failure and success in life to their kids. 

cover 4 Professional Parenting at its Best
Secrets of Parenting

In her 245-page book on parenting, Donnellan outlines her voyage from a screaming mother of four (three of which are triplets) into a calm mom earning the respect of her children. After her triplets were born, she quickly learned to become less emotional and more cerebral when dealing with her children. She turned from a screaming banshee to becoming non-judgmental; to be direct and open, and most importantly, she mastered the art of questioning. When parents are capable of this, children will learn to trust them, confide in them, and learn through the process of alternate outcomes. From this they can make responsible choices and decisions. If they don’t, kids will learn from their mistakes without anyone berating them or saying, “I told you so.” 

Sue with Husband and 4 kids Professional Parenting at its Best
Sue with husband and children

A parent’s words are like a switch. They can either cause a short circuit of emotions that are destructive and hurtful; or those words can cause a series of lights to go on—productive and helpful. Donnellan teaches readers how to accomplish this uphill battle.

Sue Donnellan’s parenting book, Secrets to Parenting Without Giving a F^ck will turn the lights on for any mom or dad who reads her book. My plan is to buy copies for three of my favorite moms. I strongly suggest all parents read this book for ideas to improve their parenting skills.

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About the Author

Sue Professional Parenting at its Best
Sue Donnellan

Sue Donnellan is an award-winning author, parenting specialist, entrepreneur, wife, and mother of four (including surprise triplets). As a one-time reluctant parent and reformed yeller, Sue has lived the mom-stress balance firsthand. She is a revolutionary thinker who has been advising parents, transforming households, and reducing overwhelm for over 20 years with her no-nonsense parenting methods that have become the Proven Playbook for parents. In her ‘free’ time, Sue is also a mom to two dogs. She appreciates great comedy and is passionate about living healthy. 

Michael Thal is the author of Goodbye Tchaikovsky, a novel about a violin prodigy losing his hearing on his 12th birthday. 

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