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Fascinating YA Science-Fiction Fairytale

The Luna Chronicles consists of four major books—Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, and Winter. Author Marissa Meyer connects each book sequentially, so it’s important to start with Cinder and read your way through to the amazing climax in Winter. Each book is named after one of the primary female leading teens in the Luna Chronicles. First and…

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Fun Sci-Fi Read for Kids and Parents

Max Rigdon is forced by his mom to spend summer vacation with his reclusive grandfather. All of his dreams of being the starting pitcher for his little league’s all-star team are now shattered. And why all of a sudden quality time with crazy Grandpa Joe? Max only met him once at his father’s funeral, and…

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4 YA Kindle Books Free on Amazon

Books are expensive, especially when they are bound by paper. Kindle books are a lot cheaper, but buy enough, and in time, that too will wear a hole in your pocket. So what can an enthusiastic reader do? Below you’ll find four YA books posted on Amazon for FREE. The authors are no fools. These…

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The Caul of Estlan

Ennara lives in Estlan, a land of magic and mystery. She was born a caul, a baby with a mask foreshadowing great magical ability. So her parents had to have her hand tattooed with a fire-breathing dragon to warn others of her great powers. One night, during her eleventh year, Ennara is attacked by a…

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Meet best selling author K.C. Sprayberry

K.C. Sprayberry grew up in Southern California. She’s been an accountant, majored in law enforcement, and enlisted in the U.S. Air force. Today, she lives in Northwest Georgia where she writes her many YA novels. Let’s listen in on what this best selling author has to say about her newest book and the writing process:…