The Koolura Series: How a YA Series is Born and Evolve
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The Koolura Series: How a YA Series is Born and Evolve

When my oldest daughter was in sixth grade, I began writing the Koolura series. I was a reading specialist in Glendale, California working in a year-round school. During my off-time, I wrote.  Channie hated to read. As a reading specialist, this was tantamount to revolution. Instead of arguing, I asked, “If I wrote a book with…

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A Writer’s Life: A Glimpse into a Writer’s Career During the Pandemic- Summer 2021

During the pandemic I learned how to self-publish a book, and believe me, it’s not easy. Since August, 2020 I self-published The Abduction of Joshua Bloom, The Legend of Koolura, Koolura and the Mystery at Camp Saddleback, and finally, Koolura and the Mayans. All five books have new covers.  I’m not an artist and when it comes to drawing,…

2021 Summer Reading List for Tweens, Teens, and Adults
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2021 Summer Reading List for Tweens, Teens, and Adults

Over the hot summer months, when you want to relax, there’s nothing better than a good book. Check out the seven books shown here that you are guaranteed to enjoy.

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Deaf Character Speaks Out

Diverse characters in literature are needed to reflect the reality of the world. Leila Marvi, a deaf character, tells about her role in the Koolura Series.