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Middle Grade Fantasy/Detective Story

      Chef Nana, the head cook at the New Harmonia, an exclusive New York City hotel, is dead. Her son, Michael Lawson, is tapped to replace her, and Chef Lawson needs to move from Chicago to New York with his son Stephen. Stephen Lawson is a pre-teen boy raised by a single parent….

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How high school students can get into the college of their dreams

Many high school students focus just on their GPAs believing high academic classroom performance and perfect SAT scores will open doors to their college dream school. Perhaps this was the best path to take a generation ago, but 21st Century colleges and universities want more. According to Elizabeth Dankoski, founder and CEO of The Dream…

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Hapless dad raises biracial daughter

Daddy’s Girl, by Ben Burgess Jr., is a unique novel about the black experience in America as seen through the eyes of a father and his daughter. Nick Johnson is an underachieving alcoholic and womanizer with little ambition other than partying with friends. After he gets a married woman pregnant, she decides to give the…