2017 Summer YA Reading List
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2017 Summer YA Reading List

Summertime is that special time of year when we can lay out on the beach, absorb some rays, and catch up on our reading wish list. Below you’ll find the six best YA books Pop read this past year and figures you’d enjoy it, too. Flying to the Light   Author: Elyse Salpeter Kindle Edition:…

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Treasury of Children’s Bedtime Stories

The Review Grandpa Bernie’s Bedtime Stories is comprised of twenty tales for very young children. Some stories, like “The Friendly Grasshopper,” tell a tale about insects, frogs, and birds—animals in nature that are prey or predator that become best friends in Grandpa Bernie’s world. In other stories like “Batter Up, Norman” a bear cub becomes…

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Love Bites- A Young Adult Love Story

Jack is a 35 year-old eligible bachelor living in rural Florida. He dates attractive locals, but first they must pass “The Phil Test”. Phillipa, an Australian shepherd, has the task of meeting Jack’s potential mates. When she does, first her fur stands on end, followed by a low growl, and ending with bared teeth. Jack’s…

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The Stark Springs Academy Series: Release Day Blitz

The Stark Springs series By Ali Dean RELEASE DAY BLITZ February 23, 2017   The young adult sports romance series that has captured readers of all ages is now available as a boxed set!   When Roxie Slade snaps into a pair of skis, there’s no one on Sugarville Mountain in Vermont who can keep…

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New Year’s Resolution: Read More…And Here’s Why

What are you reading? It’s a simple question that could elicit a complex response and an exchange of ideas. It’s a question that can cut through all the tedious niceties and get right to the issue—the depth of your mind and that of your friend. This is our time of year for resolutions. “I’ll lose…

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Tennis Love

Mackenzie Bell is Hillcrest High’s top female tennis star. When matched up against Tabor Julian, one of the school’s best jocks, Mac wins. At home, Mac isn’t such a star with her mother, Delilah, who tends to ignore her daughter for the affections of male suitors. When introduced to Roger Carmichael, Mac becomes livid, because…

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The Time Hunter Series Begins

Becky Mellor, age 13, is prepared for her worst summer vacation. She has to spend it with her little brother, Joe, at Uncle Percy’s stately mansion, Bowen Hall. To make matters worse, Internet access at the mansion is questionable. Little does Becky realize that her entire life is about to change when she and Joe…

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Book Blast: 2016 Books by SCBWI Authors

The Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators (SCWBI) is holding its annual six-week Book Blast promotion that started October 10 and will continue until November 18, 2016. Book Blast highlights traditionally and independently published books on individual author pages. Picture books for young children, chapter books for older readers, middle grade novels and young…

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An Interview with L.A. Kelley, author of the Sci-Fi series Rimrider

L.A. Kelley is the author of seven fantasy and science fiction adventure novels with smart female characters more comfortable with thinking rather than shooting their way out of a tricky situation. Rimrider is the newest and the first book in the Rimrock Adventures series. The second, Outlaw Jane, is also available with the third due…

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Endless Summer Series Cover Reveals: Daring the Bad Boy & Keeping Her Secret

Let us know what you think of the covers for Daring the Bad Boy and Keeping Her Secret (Endless Summer Series) by Monica Murphy and Sarah Nicolas (respectively)! Daring the Bad Boy & Keeping Her Secret both release on August 22, 2016 This cover reveal is brought to you by Entangled TEEN, YA Books Central…