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6 Thanksgiving celebrations around the globe

In the United States, we observe Thanksgiving the last Thursday in November. It’s a cornucopia-filled holiday with traditions unique to America. It is celebrated to give thanks for the fall harvest with historical references to native Indians and Pilgrim settlers. Americans are not the only country that ritualizes a feast of thanks. Many other countries…

A Year in Hell
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A Year in Hell

On May 17, 1954 the Supreme Court of the United States unanimously stated in the case of Brown vs the Board of Education, Topeka, that facilities segregating white and black children were unequal and therefore violated the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The justices also ordered the states to integrate. How did…

7 Inspiring Deaf Americans
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7 Inspiring Deaf Americans

Historically, deaf people have been pretty much ignored by the hearing community. The general feeling has been, “They’re just too difficult to communicate with, so why bother?” However, throughout history, many deaf people have made a name for themselves, and in spite of their hearing impairment, they have stood out and contributed their skills for…

Halloween Fun In LA 2019
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Halloween Fun In LA 2019

Dear Pop, I want to do something fun with my kids this Halloween season that’s scary, but not too expensive. I looked into Universal Studios’ Halloween Horror Night and discovered that the least expensive ticket is $72 per person. Ouch! Have any ideas what my family can do this Halloween season? Fun Dad Dear Fun…

Judaism and the Deaf Jew
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Judaism and the Deaf Jew

I was a member of Temple Judea, a reform synagogue in Tarzana, California, for twenty-five years. Even after a virus robbed me of most of my hearing and forced me out of my tenured sixth grade teaching assignment, I stayed a temple member. Though I couldn’t understand a word of the rabbi’s sermons or capable…

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Why Matzah?

Dear Pop, Last year I was invited to my first Passover Seder at a home in Encino. I really enjoyed myself as everyone read from the Haggadah, the spiritual text, but that matzah.  Why do Jews eat that tasteless, flour/water flatbread for eight days and why do some Jews have two Seders? Curious Christian Dear…

The Passover story: Fact or Fiction?
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The Passover story: Fact or Fiction?

  Passover, the Jewish celebration of the Exodus, begins Friday evening, April 19, 2019 with the first Seder, and ends Saturday evening, April 27. This is the time when Jews throughout the world remember the years their ancestors were slaves in Egypt and escaped under the leadership of Moses. Carol Meyers, an archeologist and professor…

Caught Between Two Worlds
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Caught Between Two Worlds

      Savannah is a communications major at a prominent university. One day, while walking across campus, she eyes a guy she can’t resist. He is absolutely gorgeous. The communications major is taking American Sign Language (ASL) with Prof. Stockton to fulfill her language requirement. One homework assignment is to attend a Deaf event….