6 Books to Read during the Quarantine
If boredom seeps in during the pandemic, here are six books that may interest you.
If boredom seeps in during the pandemic, here are six books that may interest you.
With kids at home during the pandemic, parents become their teachers. Here are 14 activities to homeschool your children.
Quarantined, people are discovering the definition of true patriotism and learning how to improve their lives for a better tomorrow.
“Train Go Sorry: Inside a Deaf World” is the story of the Lexington School of the Deaf as seen from the eyes of a hearing woman growing up in a deaf environment.
Deaf History Month runs from March 13-April 15. Read to find out why.
Sophia has the power to touch an object and travel back in time to the objects origin. With kid brother in tow, she has to figure out how to get home.
Guinevere is facing her 13 Birth Day and the responsibilities it will entail. “Guinevere: The Eve of the Legend” is a great introduction for young readers about medieval times.
When we first met Becky Mellor and her little brother Joe, they were sent away for summer vacation to Uncle Percy’s home. What they originally thought would be a boring summer turned into an adventure of a lifetime as the siblings experienced unbelievable time travel adventures as they hunted with Percy for the mythic Golden…
We’ve grown up believing Jesus Christ’s birthday is December 25, but the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke, the only accounts of Jesus’ birth, don’t give dates. Early Christians celebrated March 25 as the day Mary was told she would give birth to a very special baby. This is the date the angel…
On November 9, 2019 Valley Beth Shalom, in Encino, California hosted a program in commemoration of the 81stAnniversary of Kristallnacht entitled “Rescuing History: Kristallnacht and ‘The Holocaust Through the Eyes of Deaf Jews’.” (Kristallnacht was two nights of violence perpetrated against the Jewish communities of Germany and Austria on November 9-10, 1938.) It was a…