The Writer’s Life: Fall 2024
My novel, The Abduction of Joshua Bloom will be published November 20, 2024. And The Lip Reader won a prestigious award.
My novel, The Abduction of Joshua Bloom will be published November 20, 2024. And The Lip Reader won a prestigious award.
Matt Hay’s hearing was never good. Born with Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2), a rare genetic disorder that causes tumors to arise on nerves, especially those located in the spine. Matts tumors affect his balance and hearing until one malicious one causes his deafness. Born and raised in Indiana, Matt relates his story and how the…
Our Way offers a network of support services for the Deaf.
(Tabby Refael is a weekly editorial columnist for The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, as well as a contributor to Newsweek, Los Angeles Magazine, the Los Angeles Review of Books and other publications.) Author Michael Thal has been nominated as BEST AUTHOR for the 2025 International Impact Author of the Year. Prior to the…
Rachel Zemach, a Deaf educator, encounters challengers who know nothing about educating a deaf child, but all the power to inflict damages that can last a life-time.
The Lip Reader is celebrating its second publication anniversary behind wonderful reviews.
Deaf Utopia: A Memoir—and a Love Letter to a Way of Life is a New York Times best seller by Nyle DiMarco, a model, actor, and Deaf activist. His 331-page memoir is an eye-opener for people unfamiliar with the Deaf experience and Deaf culture. Unlike most deaf children born to hearing parents, the author and his…
The Deaf community has been marginalized too long by Audism and Surdophobia. Understanding these issues yields tolerance.
Six books on deafness are reviewed by Pop for your summer reading and help you navigate and understand the deaf experience.
Deaf characters in literature first appeared as two-dimensional figures, but in time have been fleshed out as sympathetic figures with problems that writers expose in their life-like fiction.