Why Celebrate Deaf History Month?
Deaf History Month runs from March 13-April 15. Read to find out why.
Deaf History Month runs from March 13-April 15. Read to find out why.
Now in its second printing, “Goodbye Tchaikovsky” is an award winning novel about deafness.
Here’s how one deaf man stays in the loop during the Passover holiday.
On November 9, 2019 Valley Beth Shalom, in Encino, California hosted a program in commemoration of the 81stAnniversary of Kristallnacht entitled “Rescuing History: Kristallnacht and ‘The Holocaust Through the Eyes of Deaf Jews’.” (Kristallnacht was two nights of violence perpetrated against the Jewish communities of Germany and Austria on November 9-10, 1938.) It was a…
Dear Pop, A deaf or hard of hearing child will be mainstreaming into my class next semester. What can I expect? How do I make my lessons understandable? How can I ease her transition into my class with her peers? Signed, Nervous Dear Nervous, Teaching a deaf or hard of hearing (hoh) student is similar…
Historically, deaf people have been pretty much ignored by the hearing community. The general feeling has been, “They’re just too difficult to communicate with, so why bother?” However, throughout history, many deaf people have made a name for themselves, and in spite of their hearing impairment, they have stood out and contributed their skills for…
I was a member of Temple Judea, a reform synagogue in Tarzana, California, for twenty-five years. Even after a virus robbed me of most of my hearing and forced me out of my tenured sixth grade teaching assignment, I stayed a temple member. Though I couldn’t understand a word of the rabbi’s sermons or capable…
Dear Channie and Koren, A few years ago Time Magazine printed letters written by famous dads to their children. Since they overlooked me (go figure), I thought I’d send you a note. On January 22, 2015 you were together in Mexico thousands of miles from your California home. That was the day I received…
Dear Pop, My twelve-year-old son is near deaf. He feels isolated from his peers and family. What can I do to make people understand his unique communication needs? Worried Mom Dear Worried Mom, Helen Keller, the deaf and blind American author and political activist, once wrote, “Blindness separates us from things, but deafness separates us…
Savannah is a communications major at a prominent university. One day, while walking across campus, she eyes a guy she can’t resist. He is absolutely gorgeous. The communications major is taking American Sign Language (ASL) with Prof. Stockton to fulfill her language requirement. One homework assignment is to attend a Deaf event….