Universal Sign Language , Young Adult books, Michael Thal. michaelthal.com
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Silent Whispers: Unraveling the Tapestry of Universal Sign Language and ASL Alphabet (Part One)

Welcome to the fascinating world of Universal Sign Language, where gestures and expressions become a powerful medium of communication. Whether you’re intrigued by the idea of universal communication or eager to grasp the subtleties of individual letters and concepts, this introduction will guide you through the basics. From conveying the simple act of helping to…

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Lost in Seoul

As the Pandemic receded, I felt a need for an adventure. I wanted to travel abroad, see a part of the world I had never visited, and meet nice people. Last spring my former roommates, Andrey and Jiyeon, sent me an invitation to their October 2023 wedding in Seoul, South Korea. Perfect! Before I even…

Deaf Utopia: A Memoir—and a Love Letter to a Way of Life
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A Memoir About Deafness

Deaf Utopia: A Memoir—and a Love Letter to a Way of Life is a New York Times best seller by Nyle DiMarco, a model, actor, and Deaf activist. His 331-page memoir is an eye-opener for people unfamiliar with the Deaf experience and Deaf culture. Unlike most deaf children born to hearing parents, the author and his…