7 Ways to Honor International Week of the Deaf
Learn what you can do to facilitate easier communication with the Deaf and hard-of-hearing during International Week of the Deaf.
Learn what you can do to facilitate easier communication with the Deaf and hard-of-hearing during International Week of the Deaf.
Author Michael Thal gives readers a glimpse into a writer’s life.
Kayaking on Lake Balboa deaf has its unique problems.
The only synagogue of the deaf is about to celebrate its 62nd anniversary, but there is a problem. Learn how you can help.
I wasn’t a bit surprised when my ASL teacher won an Academy Award for best supporting actor.
The Lip Reader is a novel based on a true story. It’s your opportunity to meet an extraordinary woman of kindness.
Deaf Culture Our Way shows readers, through anecdotes, the life experiences of deaf people.
Other than the obvious, the coronavirus affects the deaf and hard of hearing differently from the rest of the population.
If boredom seeps in during the pandemic, here are six books that may interest you.
“Train Go Sorry: Inside a Deaf World” is the story of the Lexington School of the Deaf as seen from the eyes of a hearing woman growing up in a deaf environment.