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Lawyer Releases Fantasy Novel to Raise Money for Make-A-Wish ® UK

A Manchester based lawyer, Hannah Byrnes is set to release her debut children’s and young adult fantasy novel ‘The Dragon Children: The Prophecy’. A devotee of J.R.R Tolkien, J.K Rowling, C.S Lewis and Philip Pullman, Hannah has always enjoyed stories of magic, destiny and adventure.  The Dragon Children: The Prophecy is her début fantasy novel…

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Hachette vs Amazon Book Dispute

Last year, Amazon waged an unusual public battle with America’s top 5 publishers, Hachette—a conglomeration of imprints like Little, Brown, Hyperion, and Orbit. Their published authors may sound more familiar—James Patterson, Michael Connelly, Mitch Albom, David Baldacci, and J.K. Rowling. Their argument was over Amazon’s e-book pricing and Amazon’s role in the publishing ecosystem. Amazon…

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Top 7 Selling YA Books in 2015

According to the February 1, 2015 issue of the New York Times, the following books are best sellers. Below you’ll find the books listed from #7 to #1 with author, age level, weeks on the Best Seller List, a blurb about each, and link. #7 The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman…

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“Fly Guys” Children Book Deals with Prejudice

Alice is a cute little girl who runs home after school on Monday to play with her best friend, a bug named Fuzz. Their favorite game is “Fly Guys in Space” where an old mop is the rocket and a cardboard box is Alice’s spacesuit. Bobby Thandi and Emma Leverton bring young readers a colorful…

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Mushing for Kids

Aisling (pronounced “Ashley”) Shepherd lives in Norway, Maine, loves the winter and her dogs. As a toddler she had eye problems that were corrected by surgery. While recovering, she occupied her time not by watching cartoons, but animals on the Discovery Channel. One day she happened upon the Iditarod race on TV and got hooked….

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Meet best selling author K.C. Sprayberry

K.C. Sprayberry grew up in Southern California. She’s been an accountant, majored in law enforcement, and enlisted in the U.S. Air force. Today, she lives in Northwest Georgia where she writes her many YA novels. Let’s listen in on what this best selling author has to say about her newest book and the writing process:…

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Time Travelers Beware!

Legend of the Timekeepers Time travelers beware! There is a Timekeeper and she has the power to protect the time stream from evil intent. Thus is the premise of Sharon Ledwith’s entertaining novel, Legend of the Timekeepers. Ledwith’s protagonist, Lilith, has recently been evacuated from her native Atlantis due to earthquakes and tsunamis that destroyed…