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Sci-Fi Soccer

In 2014 tensions on the Korean Peninsula got out of hand resulting into World War III. Thirty years later, Global Government has evolved putting in place strategies to prevent another nuclear conflagration. Every two years, the government’s control reverts to the nation who wins the Tournament—a series of soccer games set up similar to the…

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Bridge Through Time

Kyle Thorning is a brilliant young physicist working as a researcher at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research where scientists probe the fundamental structure of the universe. Kyle’s secret project is to create a time travel machine. Why the interest? Kyle’s dad, Max Thorning discovered a book, Account of Time Travel on Earth Using…

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Fun Sci-Fi Read for Kids and Parents

Max Rigdon is forced by his mom to spend summer vacation with his reclusive grandfather. All of his dreams of being the starting pitcher for his little league’s all-star team are now shattered. And why all of a sudden quality time with crazy Grandpa Joe? Max only met him once at his father’s funeral, and…

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The Inspiration Behind Cat Moon

Jennifer L. Gadd is the author of Cat Moon, a soon to be released YA paranormal novel. I asked Jennifer the inspiration behind her upcoming Were-Children series. Here’s what she had to say: On the one hand, asking someone what their inspirations were in writing a particular story or a specific character has a simple answer:…

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Electrifying science fiction thriller

Extinction is Jan Domagala’s fifth Col Sec thriller. The 85 page sci-fi novella begins 25 years prior to the story’s action when General Sinclair, the head of the Colonial Security Intelligence Division (Col Sec), the security arm of the Confederation, was forced to deal with a military problem that went south, and naturally covered up….

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4 Top YA Blog Spots

  YA readers come together at YA blogging sites to see what’s new on the book market, read reviews, browse through author interviews, and study spotlights on the prevalent themes in YA literature. YA writers come with a similar bent, but also seek reviewers for their upcoming novels or to boost readership of previous titles…

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Alternative Futures

Abbey has an IQ off the charts. She’s logical and grounded in the scientific method. So when older brother Simon’s behavior becomes odder than normal, she and twin brother, Caleb, follow him up Coventry Hill to a cluster of “living stones”. Suddenly, after Simon walks over the stones, he disappears out of thin air. That’s…