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Modern Day Slavery

51OqSyNdLIL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_Think the slave trade stopped with the Civil War? Petra knows better.

Petra, a beautiful Hispanic girl, just finished a snack with her friend at the Pizza Parlour. When the companions separated, Petra headed home to finish her homework. When she was about to cross the street, powerful hands grabbed, shot her with a taser, and tossed her in the back of a van with other female victims. She and the other teen girls abducted that day were about to become slaves.

According to blogger Malika Saada Saar, the executive director of Rights4Girls, a U.S. based human rights organization, about 293,000 American children are at risk for being exploited and trafficked for sex. The majority of these kids are girls, between the ages of 12-14, who are abducted by traffickers, raped and forced into prostitution.

First Love Born of Fire is a short story inspired by Vanayssa Somer’s novel, The Boy Scout, also reviewed on this blog. That book revealed the shadowy world of slave traffickers and a team of heroes that worked with government agencies to put a lid on the heinous crime.

In First Love born of Fire, the teens highlighted in The Boy Scout are scrutinized closely to study the affects of abduction on a group of teens focusing on the relationship of Petra and Jim, a fourteen-year old boy beaten and raped by his abductors.

Somers delves into the emotional effects of abductions on the children and their families while opening the door to the deranged minds of the perpetrators.

The slave trade is real. The problem is palpable where thousands of children and young adults from around the world are sold as slaves for sex, hard labor, or both for the remainder of their lives. The enigma is real and it can happen to any child the instant he or she steps outside their home.

First Love Born of Fire is an eye opener and a must read for teenagers and their parents.

VanayssaAbout the Author

Vanayssa Somers grew up in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. She’s a trained Registered Nurse, has worked as a Reiki Master, Psychic, and NLP counselor. She has worked for over two decades in soul retrieval and connecting with her family in the Afterlife. Her novels reflect her belief in romantic love as she writes in pursuit of a happier world.


Pop’s Rating:

four pops

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