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Inspirational Paranormal Novel

cover 1 Inspirational Paranormal NovelSilvia Kryz, an eighty-four year old Australian woman, witnesses the mass slaughter of a crossing guard and “six lovely little children, none over seven.” Steps away from being killed by the murderous vehicle, she survives, a huge plus for the killer.

Charles Debnall, angry at life and everyone living, is responsible for the carnage. Raised by an alcoholic mother and abusive boyfriends, Charles doesn’t go to school, is dependent on alcohol and drugs, and has a vocabulary that would make a nun blush. He was named Chuck by his mother because, “I made mother chuck all through pregnancy.”

Amazingly, a psychic link between Charles and Silvia is formed soon after the massacre. At first Mrs. Kryz is appalled by the murdering teen appearing in her mind any time of day or night. Through the assistance of psychologist Vlad Stavrou, Silvia works through the shock of her experience and provides therapeutic love to a child that never experienced a caring soul during his short fourteen years of life.

Dr. Bob Rich’s novel, Hit and Run, is told from Silvia Kryz’s first person point of view. In the novel, the author shows the miracles that can happen when a community comes together to support a psychologically depressed teen.

Rich’s book is inspiring and contains a strong believable plot and well-defined characters. The setting for the story came up short in this reviewer’s mind. More description of the city and Australian countryside would have added an extra coat of texture to this otherwise finely crafted novel. Its subject matter is rarely seen in literature and is opt to warm any reader’s heart.

Bob Inspirational Paranormal NovelAbout the Author

Australian writer Dr. Bob Rich is a self-described mudsmith and psychologist. No matter what his task, he observes life and translates what he sees into words. He uses everything he sees on the faces of people, feels with the touch of a hand, or his sense of smell to use as ammunition for his machine gun of an imagination. Dr. Rich has a PhD in psychology and has learned the art of handcrafting houses from the earth.

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