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Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja

If you are a student in fifth grade through high school and would like to review a book for Pop’s Blog, feel free to submit it to Pop at [email protected].

Today’s guest reviewer is Martik Arakelyan, who will review Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja.

About the ReviewerIMG_1217

Martik Arakelyan is a 5th grade student at Pasadena Christian School. He loves to play sports, especially baseball. While science is his favorite subject in school, Martik dreams of becoming a famous baseball player when he grows up.

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Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja began when Chase Cooper moved to a new home and school. He thought his social life would collapse, but Cousin Zoe had other plans. Chase soon made friends with other students, like Brayden. One day Zoe, Brayden, and Chase noticed activity behind a bush in a local park. Suddenly, Brayden was snatched. They soon learned it was by ninjas. To obtain their friend’s release, Zoe and Chase made a deal. Chase would be recruited into the ninja clan. The events, which followed, written in the first person and in Chase’s point of view, led to the first of a series of “Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja” books by Marcus Emerson.

I think this book is great because it includes extraordinary characters. The author describes the main character as a scrawny, unpopular kid that watches old horror movies with his dad. On the other hand, Cousin Zoe was popular and cool. The author used phrases that grabbed my attention like, “Her brow was furrowed” and “If she could stare daggers into my soul…”

Marcus Emerson


About the Author

Marcus Emerson is a successful writer whose goal is to make his books funny and inspirational. He dreams to become an astronaut and walk on Mars.

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    1. When teaching a child to write, first he writes the rough draft. Once Martik had that done, I edited it. Then he rewrote the draft making the suggested corrections. Finally, I took home the document and typed it into my computer making a few more changes. Understand now, Joe?

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